At Radical Systems, we believe in the power of investing in local communities, understanding that each dollar spent locally stays in the community and has a lasting impact.

Our commitment to community growth is multifaceted, with a significant focus on nurturing aspiring technologists.

We provide enriching work experience placements for high school students interested in the tech industry, forming enduring relationships that often lead these promising individuals towards accomplished careers.

We further extend our support to university students through the annual Radical Systems IT Scholarship. This initiative grants a $10,000 scholarship to a deserving Charles Darwin University student each year, prioritising those underrepresented in the IT sector, including female and indigenous students. This effort also reaches out to those who are first-generation university attendees or who have had to overcome adversity.

We sponsor the annual Charles Darwin University Code Fair, offering students a platform to showcase their accomplishments and connect with industry leaders.

Our goal is to mentor talented individuals and foster local capability, strengthening the fabric of our community.

We proudly support and/or sponsor the organisations below and are honoured to play a role in their successes.